Upcoming Bloggerbels Posts

At the time of writing (April 24, 2016), I am coming off a three month blogging drought. To get back into the groove, I thought I should post a rough list of possible future posts. If I end up going a few months without posting anything again, you are encouraged to angrily demand that I get back to work and write whichever of these posts sounds most interesting to you. You’ll be doing me a great service!

So here’s the list, which I will continue to update occasionally:

The Great Evil of Gluten
Everything Gonna Kill Ya
Patriotic Orthography
Retraction of Yogurt-Making Article
Kill the Ego, Find the Gap
Manila Is Not A Cheap City
For My Mother
For My Father
Chivalry for Hot People
Spread Those Utils Around!
I Want To Marry All Coconuts
My Neighbour With Thirteen Kids
The Limits of Clan Compassion
The Myth of Discipline
Chichi Chicken Killer
24 Hour MRT, Please!
The Geography of Alienation
Asperger’s Syndrome and Theravada Buddhism: A Match Made in Nibbana
Manila’s Cheap Coffee Renaissance

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